I Hate These and I Love Those

I  ...
1. My Awesome Blog.
2. Beach.
3. Friendship.
4. Fashion.
5. Someone Special.
6. Dance
7. Lily Flower
8. Sunny Day
9. Write Something
10. Basketball
11. Music
12. Demi Lovato.
13. This Modern Type Machine
14. Indonesia.
15. Movies.
16. My Phone
17. Forest or Green Places
and last but not least is..... (drum roll)
YOU !!

I Hate ...

1. Frog
2. Shrimp
3. Blood
4. Violence
5. Math
6. Physics
7. Counting
8. Volleyball
9. Someone who breaking their promises
10. Someone who not respect each other feelings
11. When i can't connect to the internet.